About Us

Our History

Wilfred Group of Education has always believed in the policy of “ Educating Mankind”. Keeping this prospect in mind a new educational hub was established in the remote rural area of Sanganer Distt., Suburb Shikarpura on January 2020 with mere strength of 03 students. In the first year of Academic Session 2020-21 school seeked 208 students which was a remarkable achievement and today after 2 year lapse of Corona wave, Wilfred can boast of having 800+ students in the year 2023-24. The school was able to get it’s affiliation from RBSE as an English Medium, co-educational School. Remedial coaching classes for std. XI-XII students of the near by areas was also executed. Keeping the motto moving a vision of making every student reach their goal. As Kalam Sahib said success is when “Your signature changes into an autograph” and this is what we at Wilfred strive for.

From The Desk of The Secretary

Schools today are no longer mere centres of spreading literacy – if a school today encompasses a much wider horizon they are facilitators in the important process of personal growth and development of an individual as a resourceful member of the society.
Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on mind. – Plato
What according to you is the importance of education – scoring high marks? Certificate acquisition? Honing the skills of rote learning to spew out the crammed information effortlessly?
Unfortunately this is the sole purpose of education being marketed by our system today. Education has to serve the means to open the mind. It has to teach us how to think rather than telling us what to think. This is what we aim to do at The St. Wilfred’s School – implant a seed of inquisitiveness, cultivate a love of learning and groom the child to become an independent thinker and a visionary leader. Effective learning involves creating and solving our own errors. I want our children to go ahead, stretch out enthusiastically to test their limitlessness, not to fear committing mistakes nor fear encountering failures, for these should be used as stepping stones to move ahead towards fulfillment of their dreams and aspirations.

Dr. Keshav Badaya

Our children need to be guided to learn to think, reason, analyse and not follow blindly. Combine the learning with actions, let unavoidable errors impel them to seek greater understanding. Teachers, parents and guardians need to work together to give our children a platform from which they may learn to open their wings and soar up confidently towards success

Chairman Message

I am very pleased to state that the St. Wilfred Education Society is promised to the entire development of a wholesome foundation for a generation which would shape the bright future of our nation in the years to come. “Build your schools around concepts, not only academic subjects but core concepts such as awareness, honest, genuine and dedicated. First of all be honest and genuine with yourself because you can deceive everyone but not yourself. If you fall in your own eyes, you can never get the respect of others. In order to fulfill your aims, you have to organize yourself, lead a disciplined life, form a good character, and the rest will follow".

Mr. Suresh K. Gupta

Director Message

It is our earnest endeavor to impart value based education to children under our care. Our mission is not only to make successful Engineers, Doctor, Professionals, Businessmen etc. but also to shape up good human beings of great values to espouse and spread the threefold cherished aspects of purity, humanism and truthfulness. We at St. Wilfred's teach and internalize these life sustaining values.
May God bless us and endow us with the strength to achieve our nobal goals. In a world torn by conflicts and differences in social, economic and political realms, we must try to unlock new ways of viewing problems and open doors to a brand new world of potential solutions and perceptions. We firmly believe schooling and education should be synonymous, atleast to the extent that schooling needs to be education-oriented. Education means an all-round development of human potential and personality — physical, mental, moral and spiritual. Education, paves the path to knowledge and knowledge leads to wisdom. Merit and excellence should be our watchwords and service to humanity our motto.
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. We must remember that the human mind is our fundamental resource. Thus, it is essential that we work towards the maximum development of every young mind. Only then will we be able to address our requirements of world leadership, our hopes for economic growth and our demands of able citizenship.

Mr Ojas Badaya